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Date: 3/24/2021
Subject: Social Media Team
From: Anne Burnell

Dear Members and Venue Members,
The Board wishes to thank Karen Willough for her service as Board Member and Social Media Director for these past 2 years! We have a new social media team in place for growing our collective presence including CCP productions and any member's show, class, or event coming up.
We hope you will take advantage of this member benefit by putting your events on the CALENDAR and sharing your SOCIAL posts!  Here's how:
1) Go to Website, sign in, and click CALENDAR, add Quick Event
2) Fill out Title, Description, Category, Date, Time, (Skip Registration)
3) Location: Virtual or Street Address
4) Location Website - Click "Select" 
5) Link Type - Click "External Page"
6) External Link - Type in the exact link of your event using the "http://" (i.e.
7) Hit Save!
If your event is repeating, email Nimisha -

SHARE POSTS: When you have posted any new show on Facebook or Instagram, please drop a note to so they can follow you and help push it out.
PHOTOS: If you happen to attend anyone's live show, snap some pics, and send them too!
"QUOTE" CAMPAIGN: We'd love a high res pic and a quote from you! (See sample below) Please send items to
Happy Spring!