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HomeCalendarThe Arc of a Show with Tommy Hensel

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The Arc of a Show with Tommy Hensel

Within any well-crafted musical theater work, there is always a story arc. The story has a theme, begins, builds, and then finally wraps up with a clear ending. For a well-crafted cabaret show, the same rules apply. Each show needs to tell a story. That story needs to have the same touch points as any excellent theater piece - a clear theme and an arc that takes the audience along with the performers on a journey that has variety and wraps up clearly in the end. Join Tommy Hensel as he works with participants on the concept of story arc and song curation with the goal of creating tighter and more engaging cabaret performances.



Sat Nov 4, 1-4pm

Le Piano, 6970 N Glenwood Ave

Cost Participants: $40 Members / $50 Non-members, Limit 8 

Auditors:  $20 Members / $30 Non-Member  Limit 10

Saturday, November 04, 2023, 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)
6970 N Glenwood
Chicago, IL  

Additional Info:
One Time Event
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
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